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The EIPBN Conference is recognized as the foremost international meeting dedicated to lithographic science and technology and its application to micro and nanofabrication techniques. The conference brings together engineers and scientists from industries and universities from all over the world to discuss recent progress and future trends.
Abstracts representing high quality original research are invited in the following areas:
- DUV, immersion, EUV and X-ray lithography
- Electron and ion beam lithography
- Sub-half wavelength “super resolution” optical lithography
- Photon- and charged-particle optics
- Metrology and alignment
- Resists and resist processing
- Plasma etching and deposition
- Nano-fabrication techniques
- Maskless Lithography
Topics in nanofabrication and emerging technologies include:
- Nanoelectronics
- Nanomagnetic devices
- Novel ultrahigh density data storage devices
- Nanoparticle synthesis and assembly
- Nanofabrication for energy sources
- Atomic and Molecular manipulation
- Optical tweezers
- Simulation and computer aided design for the Nanoscale Era
- Nanometer scale photonic devices
- Molecular and low-dimensional nano-electronics
- Bio-nanotechnology & hybrid bio/solid state devices
- Micro and nano-scaled MEMS
- Nano-particle, synthesis and assembly
- Self-assembly and directed self-assembly
- Nanoimprint lithography, embossing and soft lithography
- Nanofabrication for energy sources
Meeting Format
The conference opens on Tuesday afternoon with a special commercial session, which features vendors of materials and equipment relevant to this conference. The plenary session is on Wednesday morning. The rest of the conference has three parallel sessions. The length of presentation is 40 minutes for invited papers and 20 minutes for contributed papers, discussion time included.
A special feature of the technical program is the poster session that includes invited and contributed papers. There is only one formal poster session, but posters will be displayed for informal viewing throughout the entire conference. No distinction is made between the importance of poster and oral presentations.
Click here for more on the conference program.
History of EIPBN
We are pleased to feature the following paper on the history of the EIPBN conference:
History of the “Three Beams” Conference, the Birth of the Information Age and the Era of Lithography Wars
by Mark L. Schattenburg, Space Nanotechnology Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Click here to download the paper in PDF Format.
Another item of historical interest is Richard Feynman’s 1959 lecture,
“There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom.”
Click here to read a transcript.
For the 2010 EIPBN website and Program,
Click Here.
For a listing of all previous EIPBN conference locations,
Click here.
2011 Conference Chair:
Alan D. Brodie, PhD
2011 Program Chair:
Prof. Richard Blaikie
Private Bag 4600 Christchurch 8140 New Zealand
+64 3 364 3274 richard.blaikie@canterbury.ac.nz
Meeting arrangements:
Melissa Widerkehr and Associates
19803 Laurel Valley Place
Montgomery Village, MD 20886
Phone: 301-527-0900 x101 Fax: 301-527-0994
Related Conferences
Conferences on similar topics are held in the Fall in Europe (MNE) and in Japan (MNC).
For more information, please visit our page on these “sister conferences” by clicking here.
Student Support
Limited funds are available to support student travel. The Conference Chair must receive a request for support from the student’s advisor by May 1. Decisions about student support will be returned by about May 15. For more on the Student support, click here.