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Program at a Glance
Plenary and Invited Speakers:


Julia Greer, Caltech
Kevin Gunderson, Illumina
Lynn Rothschild, NASA

Nanoimprint lithography

Kannan M. Krishnan, UW
S.V. Sreenivasan, UT Austin

Focused Ion Beams

Jacques Gierak, CNRS
Kevin Twedt, NIST
Shida Tan, Intel

Beam Induced Deposition and Etching

Milos Toth, University of Technology, Sydney
Harald Plank, Graz University of Technology
Jose Maria de Teresa, Universidad de Zaragoza
Jason Fowlkes, ORNL


Jaan Mannik, UT Knoxville
Phil Collins, UC Irvine
Haogang Cai, Columbia
Bruce Hinds, UW

Micro- and Nanofluidics

Lydia Sohn, UC Berkeley

Nano- and Micro- electromechanical Systems

Dana Weinstein, MIT
Prof. Francesc Perez-Murano, Microelectronics Institute of Barcelona


Linran Fan, Yale University
Jiye Lee, LBL


Vitor Manfrinato, MIT
Rajesh Menon, University of Utah

Charged Particle Optics and Sources

Dwayne Miller, Toronto
William Mackie, A-P Tech

Electron Beam Lithography

Michelle Pillers, Notre Dame
Jonathan Pradelles

Directed Self Assembly

Grant Willson, UT Austin
Charlie Liu, IBM
Safak Sayan, Intel/IMEC

High Throughput Electron Microscopy

Dirk Zeidler, Zeiss

Novel Imaging and Characterization Techniques

Jianwei (John) Miao, UCLA
Anne E. Sakdinawat, Stanford


Debdeep Jena, Cornell
Raj Medapalli, UCSD
Diego Scarabelli

Advanced Pattern Transfer

Anthony Renau, AMAT
Stewart Sando, Systine Systems

Optical and Extreme UV (EUV) Lithography

Bill Arnold, ASML
John Fourkas, Univeristy MD

Resists and Lithography Materials

Yoshi Hishiro, JSR

Emerging Technologies

Donald Gardner, Intel

Atomic Layer Deposition

Charles Wallace, Intel
Fatemeh Sadat Minaye Hashemi, Stanford

Nanostructures for Quantum Computing

Anthony Megrant, UCSB
Xian Wu, NIST
Matthias Steffen, IBM
Matthew Borselli, HRL

Nanoscience User Facility Highlight Session

Stefano Cabrini, Molecular foundry, LBL
Alex Liddle, NIST
Dominik Ziegler, Scuba Probe
Jason Valentine, Vanderbilt