Invited Panelist

Shida Tan, Moderator

Principal Engineer at Intel’s physical debug technology development group

Opportunities and Challenges: The CHIPS Act and the Future of US Semiconductor Manufacturing

What are the impacts of CHIPS Act on the future of U.S. Semiconductor? Join the panel discussion on Thursday and hear what our government, industry and academia experts have to say.

About Shida Tan

Dr. Shida Tan is a Principal Engineer at Intel’s physical debug technology development group, where she is leading cross-industry R&D projects to develop advanced technologies for on-die circuit analysis for advanced semiconductor process nodes. She is broadly recognized across the industry for spearheading advanced ion beam research and applications in the field of semiconductor circuit edit, failure analysis, fault isolation, and low yield analysis. Dr. Tan authored over 130 technical publications including a book chapter, 16 issued and pending patents, and 3 Intel trade secrets. She holds leadership positions in various professional organizations, including serving as 2018 EIPBN Program Chair.

Shida Tan