Invited Speaker

Keith A. Brown

Boston University

Towards Femtogram-Scale Materials Discovery using Scanning Probe Lithography

This work explores recent progress in transforming scanning probe systems into platforms for combinatorial materials discovery studying samples approaching the femtogram scale. We focus on innovations in the area of closed-loop nanopatterning and controlled mixing of fluid samples using scanning probes.

About Keith A. Brown

Keith A. Brown is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering, and Physics at Boston University. He earned a Ph.D. in Applied Physics at Harvard University under the guidance of Robert M. Westervelt and an S.B. in physics from MIT. Following his doctoral work, he was an International Institute for Nanotechnology postdoctoral fellow with Chad A. Mirkin at Northwestern University. The KABlab studies polymers and smart fluids to determine how useful properties emerge from the interplay between composition, processing, and hierarchical structure. A considerable focus is developing approaches that accelerate the pace of experimental materials research using autonomous experimentation, miniaturization, parallelization, and machine learning. Keith has co-authored over 90 peer-reviewed publications, six issued patents, and his work has been recognized through awards including the Frontiers of Materials Award from The Minerals, Metals, & Materials Society (TMS), being recognized as a “Future Star of the AVS,” the Omar Farha Award for Research Leadership from Northwestern University, and the AVS Nanometer-Scale Science and Technology Division Postdoctoral Award. Keith served on the Nano Letters Early Career Advisory Board and currently leads the MRS Artificial Intelligence in Materials Development Staging Task Force.

Keith A. Brown