Invited Speaker

Jean Anne C. Incorvia

The University of Texas at Austin

Electron Beam Lithography Patterning of Magnetic Nanostructures for Neuromorphic and In-Memory Computing

Jean Anne Incorvia, Thomas Leonard, Samuel Liu, Harrison Jin, Can Cui (University of Texas at Austin); Tianyao P. Xiao, Christopher H. Bennett, Matthew J. Marinella (Sandia National Laboratories); Mahshid Alamdar (University of Texas at Austin)

We will present our results showing how stochastic domain walls integrated into magnetic tunnel junctions can act as logic elements as well as artificial synapses and neurons. We will show that leveraging these dynamical behaviors can benefit many areas of unconventional computing. Challenges in fabricating the devices will be analyzed.

Jean Anne C. Incorvia

Jean Anne C. Incorvia is an Assistant Professor and holds the Fellow of Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) Chair in Computer Engineering in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin, where she directs the Integrated Nano Computing (INC) Lab. Dr. Incorvia develops practical nanodevices for the future of computing using emerging physics and materials. This includes research in spintronics, fundamental and applied nano-magnetism, bio-inspired neuromorphic computing, in-memory computing devices and circuits, radiation-hard materials and devices, and the intersection of low-dimensional (2D) materials and spintronics.

Dr. Incorvia received her bachelor’s in physics from UC Berkeley in 2008 and her Ph.D. in physics from Harvard University in 2015, cross-registered at MIT. From 2015-2017, she completed a postdoc at Stanford University. She has over 65 articles published in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings and has given over 65 invited talks. She received a 2020 US National Science Foundation CAREER award, the 2020 IEEE Magnetics Society Early Career Award, and a 2021 Intel Rising Stars award. She was an invited contributor to the 2020 and 2022 IEEE International Roadmap for Devices and Systems (IDRS). Dr. Incorvia has served on and taken leadership roles in the International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), the Device Research Conference (DRC), the Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference (MMM), and Intermag.

Jean Anne C. Incorvia