Short Courses

Rebecca Cheung

Scottish Microelectronics Centre, Institute for Integrated Micro and Nano Systems, School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

Micro-Resonating Sensors

The presentation will describe research conducted on the design, fabrication and characterization of micro-resonators based in silicon carbide and graphene.  Particular emphasis will be placed upon the design and fabrication of the devices; actuation and sensing mechanisms; resonance tuning; as well as acoustic sensing.

About Rebecca Cheung

Rebecca Cheung received her undergraduate and PhD degrees in Electronics and Electrical Engineering from the University of Glasgow, U.K., in 1986 and 1990, respectively. During her PhD, she was a Visiting Researcher with IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, USA. She joined the University of Edinburgh in 2000 and is currently Chair of Nanoelectronics and Head of the Research Institute for Integrated Micro and Nano Systems in the School of Engineering.  She has an international reputation for her contribution in the development and application of micro- and nano-fabrication. Her major research interests to date span: micro- nano- fabrication technology; process-related defects; microwave electronics; low dimensional structures and optical spectroscopy. More recently, her research focuses on microelectromechanical systems, and integration of one-dimensional and two-dimensional materials to make sensor devices.  She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, served as program chair for EIPBN 2013, and chaired the IEEE/RSE James Clerk Maxwell Medal Committee in 2020.

Rebecca Cheung