
Congratulations to our Award Winners

EIPBN Early Career Award

The EIPBN Early Career Award recognizes outstanding researchers who are in the early stages of their career for technical contributions to nanofabrication technology and service to the EIPBN community. 

Sponsored By KLA

Awarded to

Ke Du, The University of California, Riverside

Ke Du

Dr. Ke Du is an assistant professor of chemical and environmental engineering at the University of California, Riverside and leads the Nanobiosensing, Nanomanufacturing, and Nanomaterials (3N) Lab. He received his Ph.D. degree at Stevens Institute of Technology in 2015. Following post-doctoral training at Berkeley with Richard A. Mathies, he started his independent career at the Rochester Institute of Technology in 2018. In 2022, Du’s lab moved back to California and joined UC-Riverside.

Du’s research interests include in vitro molecular diagnostics, in vivo bioimaging, nanotoxicity, and nanomanufacturing.

He is recipient of numerous awards and honors such as the EIPBN Best Journal Paper Award (2022), the NIH Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award (2021), the Burroughs Wellcome Fund (BWF) Collaborative Travel Grant (2019), and the James H. Potter Award for the outstanding Ph.D. students (2014).

He has been recognized as a global rising star in sensing by ACS Sensors and a finalist for the MINE 2020 Young Scientists Award. Du’s research has been supported by NIGMS, NIAID, NSF, USDA, DOE, BWF, the UNYTE Translational Research Network, and industry partners such as L3Harris, Mammoth Biosciences, Colgate Palmolive, and Biological Mimetics. He serves as an early career editorial advisory member for Biomicrofluidics (AIP Publishing) and Sensors and Actuators Reports (Elsevier).

EIPBN Women in Nanofabrication Honoree

In recognition of their long term contributions to EIPBN
Rebecca Cheung

Rebecca Cheung

2024 Honoree / 2013 Program Chair

Professor Rebecca Cheung currently holds a Chair in Nanoelectronics and is Head of the Research Institute for Integrated Micro and Nano Systems in the School of Engineering at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, United Kingdom. In 2012, she was elected a fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Her major research interests to date span: micro- nano- fabrication technology; process-related defects; microwave electronics; low dimensional transport, optical spectroscopy, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and two-dimensional materials and devices. 


2024 Best Student Presentation Award

Vijay Anirudh Premnath (UT Austin), co-authors I-Te Chen and Chih-Hao Chang

Awarded for the paper entitled Fabrication of Multilayer Nanolattice Reflectors with Integrated Low-Index Nanolattices

2024 Best Student Poster Award

Sherry Mo (University of California Berkeley), co-authors Dana O. Byrne and Frances I. Allen

Awarded for the paper entitled Buried nanochannels and texturized surfaces fabricated by focused helium ion implantation

2024 Student Poster Runner Up

Donghee Kang (University of Michigan), co-author L. Jay Guo

Awarded for the paper entitled Synergistic Approach for Efficient Water Harvesting using LiCl-PVA Hydrogel and Nanofiber membrane

In 2024, the Best Student Paper Award was generously sponsored by JEOL USA. The winning paper in each category received a $500 prize and an award plaque.

The winners are also invited to give an Invited Poster Presentation at the 2024 Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE) in Montpellier, France, EIPBN’s sister conference in Europe.

Startup Contest Winner

Dr. Sun Chuying (CEO) and her team at EleMotion are the winner of EIPBN 2024 Startup Contest.

2024 Startup Contest Finalists

EIPBN Micrograph Contest Winners

The Micrograph Contest is sponsored by 

Zyvex Labs

Grand Prize

3Beamers Choice

Best Ion

Best Photon

Best Scanning Probe

Most Bizarre

Milligraph Award

Go to the Zyvex website to see all the fantastic submissions.