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The EIPBN Conference is recognized as the foremost international meeting dedicated to lithographic science and technology and its application to micro and nanofabrication techniques. The conference brings together engineers and scientists from industries and universities from all over the world to discuss recent progress and future trends.

More About EIPBN
Meeting Format
The conference opens on Tuesday afternoon with a special commercial session, which features vendors of materials and equipment relevant to this conference. The plenary session is on Wednesday morning. The rest of the conference has three parallel sessions. The length of presentation is 30 minutes for invited papers and 20 minutes for contributed papers, discussion time included. A special feature of the technical program is the poster session that includes invited and contributed papers. There is only one formal poster session, but posters will be displayed for informal viewing throughout the entire conference. No distinction is made between the importance of poster and oral presentations. Click here for more on the conference program.

Technical Program
The Technical Program is organized by the Program Chair and assisted by volunteers that compromise the Technical Section Head panel. Over a 140 experts in the different fields of nanofabrication lend their time and expertise to suggest invited speakers, review abstracts and review manuscripts.  Any researcher can be part of the Technical Section Head panel. Contact the Program Chair for information. By renewing the members of this panel the EIPBN Community is kept vibrant and up-to-date with all the recent advances in nanofabrication technology.

History of EIPBN
We are pleased to feature the following paper on the history of the EIPBN conference:
History of the “Three Beams” Conference, the Birth of the Information Age and the Era of Lithography Wars
by Mark L. Schattenburg, Space Nanotechnology Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Click here to download the paper in PDF Format.
Another item of historical interest is Richard Feynman’s 1959 lecture,
“There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom.”

Click here to read a transcript.

Student Support
Limited funds are available to support student travel. The Conference Chair must receive a request for support from the student’s advisor by May 1. Decisions about student support will be returned by about May 15.

Steering Committee
The EIPBN Conference is incorporated as a non-profit organization in the State of New Jersey. The Steering Committee serve as the corporate Board of Directors, with the Conference Chair having the Responsibilities of CEO for the year in which he/she serves. The Steering Committee has 8 members. Each year, 2 Steering Committee members are elected for a 5 year term. Initially, they participate in the organization of the conference for 2 years. In the 3rd year of their term, they run the conference as Conference and Program Chairs. For the remaining 2 years of their term, they assist the successor chairs in their duties.Once the 5 year term is completed, Steering Committee members become permanent members of the Advisory Committee.

EIPBN 2018 Steering Committee
2018 Conference Chair:
Lawrence Muray, PhD
Sr. Director, Advanced Technology
5 Technology Drive, M/S 5117-136
Milpitas, California 95035
2018 Program Chair:
Shida Tan, PhD
Intel Corporation
2200 Mission College Blvd
Aaron Stein, PhD
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Center for Functional Nanomaterials
Bldg. 735 – P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000
Prof. Regina Luttge
Eindhoven University of Technology
P.O. Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Stefano Cabrini, PhD
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1 Cyclotron Road Mailstop 67R2206
Berkeley, CA 94720
John G. Hartley, PhD
R&D Fellow
NuFlare Technology America, Inc.
10 Corporate Park Drive, Suite C
Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
James Spallas, PhD
Keysight Technologies
5301 Stevens Creek Blvd
Santa Clara, CA 95051
Prof. Clifford L. Henderson
Chair, Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering
ENC 3403
University of South Florida
Tampa, FL 33620
B. Robert Ilic, PhD
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, Nanofabrication Research Group
100 Bureau Drive, Mail Stop 6203
Gaithersburg, MD 20899
George Patrick Watson, PhD
Director of User Programs
Singh Center for Nanotechnology
University of Pennsylvania
3205 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

The corporate Financial Trustee is:
John N. Randall, PhD
President, Zyvex Labs
1301 N. Plano Road, Richardson, TX 75081

Advisory Committee
The advisory committee consists of individuals who have served on the EIPBN Steering Committee and those that have dedicated valuable service to the organization over the years.

 I. Adesida  E. Anderson  R. Blaikie  A. D. Brodie  S. Brueck
 J. H. Brunning  S. Chou  H. Craighead  K. Cummings  E. Dobizs
 N. Economou  R. L. Engelstad  M. Feldman  M. . Gesley  T. R. Groves
 C. Hanson  L. R. Harriot  M. Hatzakis  E. L. Hu  D. P Kern
 R. L. Kubena  J. A. Liddle  J. Maldonado  C. R. K. Marrian  S. Matsui
 M. McCord  J. Melngailis  W. D. Meisburger  A. Neureuther  A. Novembre
 S. Palmer  S. Pang  R. F. Pease  M. Peckerar  H. C. Pfeiffer
 M. L. Schattenburg  F. Schellenberg  H. I. Smith  D. Tennant*  L. F. Thompson
 J. N. Randall  D. Resnick  M. L. Schattenburg  F. Schellenberg  H. I. Smith
 D. Tennant*  L. F. Thompson  G. Wallraff  J. C. Wiesner  C. D. W. Wilkinson
S. Wind R. Farrow M. Fritze R. Cheung L. Ocola
T. Fedynyshyn K. Berggren      

*Financial Trustee

Advisor Emeritus
Advisor Emeritus is a special designation given by the EIPBN Board of Directors to recognize lifelong service to the EIPBN community. Beginning in 2016, members of the steering committee who feel that they reached a point in their life where it is time to move on from active service to the EIPBN community, please notify the conference chair to begin the transfer to Advisor Emeritus status.

Thank you,
The EIPBN Steering Committee

Letter for Inaugural Member to Advisor Emeritus

Past Conference Websites


Abstract Archives
Abstract Archives can be found at https://eipbn.org/abstracts

EIPBN History
View all previous conference archives on the Historical Proceedings page.

Related Conferences
EIPBN is the foremost conference on Nanofabrication in the US. EIPBN also has “sister” conferences to be a forum for presentations of similar topics in nanofabrication in Europe and Asia.The Premier Nanofabrication Conference in Europe is the Micro-and Nano-Enginering conference. For more information, visit http://mne2017.org/The premier Nanofabrication Conference in Asia is the Microprocess and Nanotechnology Conference conference. For more information on MNC, visit http://imnc.jp/

Other Conferences

In addition to these affiliated conferences, there are related conferences on certain topics that may be of special interest to researchers in our nanofabrication community. These are:
Gordon Research Conferences, covering multiple topics in advanced scientific and technology research.

The Lithography Workshop, specializing in advanced lithography

The Nanoimprint and Nanoprint Technology (NNT) Conference, specializing in nanoimprint technology