Chang-Hwan Choi

EIPBN 2022

Invited Speaker

Chang-Hwan Choi

Stevens Institute of Technology 

Nanofabrication via Laser Interference Lithography

Author: Chang-Hwan Choi
In this invited talk, the versatility of the laser interference lithography for the various routes to novel nanofabrication processes will be presented.
Chang-Hwan Choi

Invited Speakers

Sunggook Park

Polymer Nanopore Devices for Sensing Biomolecules
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Philip Feng

Atomically Thin Nanoelectromechanical Systems (NEMS): Nanofabrication Techniques, Challenges, and Perspectives
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Samuel M. Stavis

Boring Beads or Surprising Standards? A Lateral Nanoflow Assay Reveals Flummoxing Fluorescence
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