Michael Cullinan

EIPBN 2022

Invited Speaker

Michael Cullinan

University of Texas at Austin 

Microscale Additive Manufacturing of Metal Interconnects Using Microscale Selective Laser Sintering

Author: Michael Cullinan
We have developed a new microscale additive manufacturing process called microscale selective laser sintering (μ-SLS) that has the potential to overcome many of the current limits in advanced packaging applications, through the direct, high-throughput fabrication of 3D metal structures with feature sizes of less than 5 μm.
Michael Cullinan

Invited Speakers

Maxim Zalalutdinov

Coherent Acoustic Phonons in 2D Layered Materials
View Abstract

Owen Medeiros

Multilayer Superconducting Fabrication Process for Microwave and Digital Electronics
View Abstract

Samuel M. Stavis

Boring Beads or Surprising Standards? A Lateral Nanoflow Assay Reveals Flummoxing Fluorescence
View Abstract