
EIPBN strongly encourages student attendance, and this year we will provide both financial support and special program elements for student attendees.

Student Support:

  • Mentorship Luncheon
  • Special student discount.  Registration will be available in January.
  • Posting to EIPBN’s Facebook site offers a good way to identify room mates.


Virtual Job Fair:

Grad Students and Recent PhD’s

EIPBN has long recognized the superior quality of the students who attend our symposia. This year we have again arranged to send C.V.’s of students and recent Ph.D.’s to a group of well known universities and companies.

If you wish to have your C.V. distributed, please send an e-mail with your C.V. as a Word or PDF attachment to mfeldm1@lsu.edu. Please state that you have registered for EIPBN 2018, that you wish your C.V. to be distributed, and that you expect to receive (or have received) your Ph.D. within 3 years. The subject line, and the title of the attachment, should both read “EIPBN 2018 jobs” followed by your family name. (for example, “EIPBN 2018 jobs – Feldman”)

Please limit your C.V. to 2 pages. If your paper(s) has been accepted for EIPBN 2018, please also enter the author/title information and the short summary prepared for the pocket program guide as a third page in the C.V., with the heading “EIPBN 2018 Papers.”

Potential Employers

To receive C.V.’s, please forward the information below to mfeldm1@lsu.edu. Alternatively, paper forms will be available at the conference.

Please email copies of resumes collected at EIPBN-2018 to
Company Name…………………………………………………………………….….
E-mail address…………………………………………………………………..……..
Contact phone number (optional)………………………………………..…….…….
I understand there is no charge or obligation, either to my company or to EIPBN


All C.V.’s and requests for C.V.’s must be received by close of business, Wednesday, June 6, 2018. However EARLY BIRD C.V.’s, received before Friday, May 18, will be distributed before the conference, so that potential employers attending EIPBN 2018 can meet with you on site.