
Sister Conferences

EIPBN is the foremost electron, ion, and photon beam and nanotechnology conference in the North America. EIPBN has two “sister” conferences in Europe and Asia that focus on similar technologies.

The premier nanotechnology conference is the Micro-and Nano-Engineering (MNE) conference. For more information, visit mne2024.imnes.org.

The premier nanotechnology conference in Asia is the Micro process and Nanotechnology Conference (MNE) conference. For more information on MNC, visit imnc.jp/2024.

Related Conferences

In addition to these affiliated conferences, there are related conferences on certain topics that may be of special interest to researchers in our nanofabrication community. These are:

The Southeastern Microscopy Society (SEMS), southeasternmicroscopy.org

The Meeting for Advanced Electron Beam Lithography (MAEBL) Networking the electron beam lithography community through active engagement, September 24, 2024 in Atlanta, maebl.org

The Nanoimprint and Nanoprint Technology (NNT) conference Specializes in nanoimprint technology, June 24-27, 2024, nil-industrialday.org.

UGIM Symposium brings together educators and researchers involved in micro/nanotechnology lab management around the world and provides a forum for exchanging information and presenting new lab operations and educational concepts mitnano.mit.edu/events/UGIM2024.

The Lithography Workshop specializes in advanced lithography, November 4-7, 2024, in San Diego, www.lithoworkshop.org.

Gordon Research Conferences covers multiple topics in advanced scientific and technological research, www.grc.org.